Building digital brains capable of sensing, remembering and deciding
The interdisciplinarity of neuroscience: Bridges between brain, artificial intelligence and physics. In recent years, the recognition of neuroscience as a highly interdisciplinary branch of knowledge has become more than evident. On the one hand, we have recent...
BENELINK 2024: I Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg Meeting
On Saturday, October 19, many people related to science met in Antwerp to discuss current scientific issues and present the work of members of the different associations: CENL and CEBE. From our association, CENL presented several oral presentations in different...
Tips to learning Dutch
My tips to learning Dutch In September 2016, I arrived in the Netherlands to obtain my master’s degree in biomolecular sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. During my first year and a half living in the Netherlands, I did not give much importance to...