Some wonderful day, when you read these lines, I will not be president. I don’t know when, maybe around 2030, yet another goal of the Agenda. But I do know that when I am free, maybe I will do like Noelia, my predecessor, and go and live on an island.
Well, what’s going on with CENL, why so many activities, why so many emails, why do we dedicate so much time to this association?
We are all busy, but even so, there is a team of great people who dedicate the little free time they have to this association. To you. And for a reason.
In my case, it’s because we have to continue to make this association grow. There have already been a lot of people working hard to move it forward, and that work cannot be in vain. CENL is a place where we can offer resources and support to all of you in the Netherlands. A place to connect with each other, and from where we can reconnect with our country of origin. In the end, we are outside, a little bit thrown out by the situation there. But in Spain there are still family, friends, acquaintances. And it’s good to be able to give them something from here, and it’s good that they continue to support us from afar. We are also part of a much larger network, from which we can coordinate and fight to improve the situation within and beyond our borders.
But above all, I want this association to do you as much good as I know it can do, as much good as CENL and all the previous associations I have been part of have done me.
In them I have learned to do everything, I have organised all kinds of projects, I have changed and grown, a lot. But above all, I have met and continue to meet wonderful, fun, passionate people. To really know, to work side by side, to talk for many hours. All different, but all incredible. And although many of them are no longer in my life, I miss them all every day and I owe them all the person I am today.
And perhaps this is my way of saying thank you, of giving back some of the much I have received. To give you the opportunity to live a similar experience, to give you a hand in whatever way we can, so that you can grow and enjoy yourselves.
CENL is here to help you. Come to the events, meet us, propose ideas, talk to us about what you need. That’s what we are here for.
Can you help us to become more? Become a member and participate. Spread our word on the networks. Contact us and tell us about yourself and your project.

Rodrigo Garcia Valiente
PhD Student at MSCA ITN COSMIC at Amsterdam UMC
Doctorando en la ITN Marie Curie COSMIC, mi trabajo se centra en el desarrollo de modelos matemáticos a multiescala del centro germinal.Lo mío es la Bioinformática, la Biología de Sistemas y el análisis de datos, aprovechando mis conocimientos en Biología Molecular y Genética y mi experiencia en programación (principalmente R, Python y C++).